The botched butt implant sent the unidentified woman to the hospital, and landed Oneal Ron Morris, who is legally identified as a man, in cuffs.
Miami Gardens Police arrested Morris, 30, on Friday, following an investigation by the Florida Department of Health.
Sgt. William Bamford said the illegal procedure took place in May 2010, after the woman and Morris met to discuss details, according to ABC.
“They agreed on the price of $700 for the procedure, which was intended for cosmetic purposes,” he said.
The injection took place in a residential setting, where Morris shot a mix of cement, glue, mineral oil and tire sealant into the woman’s buttocks, ABC reported.
“[A] short time later, she develops very serious pains, abdomen, throughout her body,” Bamford told the network affiliate. “She knows something’s wrong.”
The woman rushed to Tampa General Hospital, where she was treated for infection and pneumonia, but would not divulge Morris’ name, according to the report.
Hospital officials contacted the Dept. of Health, but it took investigators months to track down Morris.
Police suspect there are other victims, and urge them to come forward.
Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/news/crime/transgender-woman-arrested-injecting-fix-a-flat-patient-rear-article-1.980273#ixzz1eRngZUqu
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